D Moon

Cocktail Specialities

Good Food | Good wine

Country's Most Loved!


We Are Locally Crafted Food & Wine Serving Since 1978.

Congue, gravida. Placeat nibh sunt semper elementum anim! Integer lectus debitis auctor. Molestias vivamus eligendi ut, cupidatat nisl iaculis etiam! Laboris aenean .

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Monday - Saturday | 9AM - 1PM
Saturday - Sunday | 9AM - 4AM

Our Menu

Quality Ingredients, Tasty Meals

Congue, gravida. Placeat nibh sunt semper elementum anim! Integer lectus debitis auctor. Molestias vivamus eligendi ut, cupidatat nisl iaculis etiam! Laboris aenean .

Quinary: Haak Lo Mai

Black glutinous rice in Cantonese – is a creamy dessert drink


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Origin: WTF

Blend of tofu-redistilled gin, tofu milkshake, and coconut water.


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Hutong: Chuan Energy

A vodka-based cocktail infused with vanilla, lychee liqueur, and homemade Sichuan pepper honey


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The Dispensary: Dan Tat

Plantation Pineapple Rum, milk-infused egg tart, cream soda, a splash of lemon and nutmeg


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Lee Lo Mei

Generous amounts of whisky added to the tea and condensed milk


Good Food | Good Wine​

Wednesdays Means

Happy Hours!

Half Price Bottles of Wine and Six Tasty Lunches for $9

Congue, gravida. Placeat nibh sunt semper elementum anim! Integer lectus debitis auctor. Nunc quisquam adipisicing leo, tempora ipsam pede nostrum. Turpis tempus fusce, sed, orci eligendi
